The 2025 theme is ‘Our Future Is Now’, as we celebrate the ACC’s very first graduates from our Bachelor of Chiropractic, as well as starting delivery of our programs in Melbourne as well as Adelaide!
Like previous years, we have lined up a fantastic line up of chiropractic thought leaders from around the world.
And a Special Announcement – New Friday Night Keynote Speaker:
Internationally Renowned Dr John Demartini!
Dr. John Demartini is a world-renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author, and global educator. He has developed a series of solutions applicable across all markets, sectors and age groups.
His education curriculum ranges from corporate empowerment programs, financial empowerment, self-development programs, relationship solutions, and social transformation programs. His teachings addresses the human factor and range out to a multitude of powerful tools that have proven the test of time.
He has studied over 30,000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 100 countries.
And then, you’ll be able to hear from such notable speakers as:
So come and join the family as we gather for the ACC’s flagship event, once again at the Stamford Grand Hotel in Glenelg!
‘Countdowns Begun’ Tickets Now on Sale.
Enter the following codes:
General Admission Code: 2025EBTicket gets you 30% off!
CA Admission Code: 2025CAEBT gets you $50 off!
Student Admission Code: ACCStud3nt gets you $30 off the student price!
Friday March 28th
ACC Graduation – Bachelor Of Chiropractic
Prior the official launch of Concordia 2025, the ACC will be holding a graduation ceremony for our first batch of graduates for the Bachelor of Chiropractic.
The graduation venue is the same as Concordia, the Stamford Grand Glenelg, and will be held in the main ballroom.
Concordia delegates are welcome to attend this special first. Please contact Daisy at the ACC directly if you plan to attend – [email protected]
11:00am – ACC Bachelor of Chiropractic & Diploma of Health Sciences Graduation Ceremony
(you are advised to arrive earlier for a prompt start)
Concordia Launch & Key Note Address
Then Concordia kicks off on Friday evening when we celebrate the wins of the past year, and hear from our Keynote speaker Dr John Demartini.
Then hang around and mingle with friends, students, and colleagues for a drink afterwards as we prepare for the huge day ahead!
The Saturday is a jam packed day comprising of inspiration, team focus, and know how.
There will be two rooms in operation during the course of the day, The Main & Teams Room, as well as the Philosophy Room.
You’ll be able to immerse yourself with the art and science in the Main Room, and during the middle part of the day, connect with and as a team. Alternatively, during that time, you may choose to delve more into the heart and philosophy.
Then, Saturday night prepare yourself for the much anticipated annual Concordia Cocktail fancy dress party, this year the theme is “Rock Star”. So pick your favorite singer/star and show your wild side!
Main Room & Teams Room:
Time: | Presenter: | Room: | |
8:30am | Concordia Registration (if not already) | Ballroom Entrance | |
8:45am | Dr Patrick Sim – ACC President | ‘From Little Things, Big Things Grow’ | Main Ballroom |
9:00am | Dr Phil McMaster | ‘You Know, You Never Know – You Know!’ | Main Ballroom |
9:25am | Dr Caitlan Reynolds | “Secrets From the Diary of a Locum” | Main Ballroom |
9:50am | Dr. Julie Uren | ‘Wild Creature Mind” | Main Ballroom |
10:15am | Dr. Brian Dooley | Boomerang Balance: What You Send Out Comes Back | Main Ballroom |
10:35am | Morning Tea | ||
11:05am | Dr Mark Postles | ‘The CA Team Is All About ‘I’ | Main Ballroom |
11:30am | Dr Katie Pritchard | ‘Be Patient Where You Sit in the Dark” | Main Ballroom |
11:55am | Dr Karen Kulevski | “Everyone Is Brilliant, In The Right Space” | Main Ballroom |
12:20pm | Dr Brad Glowaki | ‘The Future of The Team’ | Main Ballroom |
12:45pm | Lunch Break (free time) | ||
2:00pm | Dr Eric Russell | “Giving Innate Something to Do: The Calisthenic Dynamic” | Main Ballroom |
2:25pm | Dr Kelly Holt | If not Us, then Who? | Main Ballroom |
2:50pm | Dr. Hayley Maginness and Dr Brianna (Breezy) Maginness | Using “The Ripple Effect” to Restore Kids Health and Potential | Main Ballroom |
3:15pm | Dr John Thornhill | Looking Back to See Ahead | Main Ballroom |
3:35pm | Afternoon Tea | Main Ballroom | |
4:05pm | Dr Brad Glowaki | The Future of Chiropractic | Main Ballroom |
4:30pm | Wind Up & Ready to Dress Up! | Main Ballroom | |
7:30pm | “Rock Star” Theme Cocktail Bash | Main Ballroom |
Time: | Presenter: | Room: | |
11:00am | Dr John Thornhill | Universal Information, Innate Information (UI, II) | Colley Room |
11:30am | Dr Eric Russell | “The Great Divide” | Colley Room |
12:00pm | Dr Brian Dooley | Protecting the Heart of Chiropractic | Colley Room |
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